Hi! I'm Amol Joshi, researcher, learner and practitioner
Get to know me and my work here!
Paper Published in the IJCB-24 conference. Read it here.
Paper Published in the BIOSIG Conference. Read it here.
Paper Published in the IEEE Access journal. Read it here.
Paper Published in the IJCB-21 conference. Read it here.
Started Ph.D. program at West Virginia University
Coursera (by IBM): Machine Learning with Python
Our team got selected for Microsoft AI for Earth Grant
Received my Masters degree in Information Technology
Started job as a software engineer at RTA Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Kaggle: Deep Learning
IBM Cognitive class: Applied Data Science with Python
IBM Cognitive class: Build Your Own Chatbot
IBM Cognitive class: Machine Learning with Python
IBM Cognitive class: Data Visualization with Python
IBM Cognitive class: Data Analysis with Python
IBM Cognitive class: Python for Data Science
Received my Bachelors degree in Computer Science
MVA (Microsoft Virtual Academy) HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals
MVA (Microsoft Virtual Academy) VB Fundamentals